Self Install on a Virtual Machine

If you would like to run a HomeDrive just for testing, for example, to see if Nextcloud and HomeDrive fit your need, you can also HomeDrive on a virtual machine.


  1. Create an endpoint on HomeDrive website. This endpoint account will be used for fetching future HomeDrive software updates, and also for establishing the end-to-end encrypted proxy tunnel so that you can visit your HomeDrive from the Internet. The endpoint account name is a sub domain label.
  2. Create a x86 64-bit virtual machine with at least 2GB memory and exactly one storage device of at least 16GB in size.
  3. Download HomeDrive ISO.
  4. Start the virtual machine and boot into the ISO image.
  5. Wait until you see the burmilla$ prompt on the console. The boot procedure might take about 5 minute.
  6. Run sudo /opt/homedrv/install.
  7. When prompt for the endpoint's name, enter the endpoint name that you created.
  8. It will then ask you for the one-time installation code. You can find the code on the endpoint's page. If the code has expired or about to expire, you can click the button on the endpoint's page to receate a new one.
  9. After filling in the endpoint's name and the one-time installation code, it will install Burmilla OS to the storage device and reboot.
  10. When it reboots, make sure it boots into the storage device rather than the ISO this time.
  11. When it boots into the storage device for the first time, it wil install HomeDrive with Nextcloud. Depending on the performance of the storage and the network, it might take 5 to 30 minutes to complete the full installation.

You can track the installation progress after the reboot with this command: docker logs --follow core.homedrv (and press Ctrl-C to exit following at any time).

After HomeDrive is successfully installed, you can visit it at domain (or for ones in the Europe region). The installation generates a password with random characters, and you can find the password on the endpoint's page. The username is admin.

After installation, please change your Nextcloud password and set up some form of 2-factor authentication. Since your Nextcloud is exposed to the Internet, setting up 2-factor authentication is very important to keep your service and data secure.

Note that our HomeDrive ISO image is not optimized to run in virtual machine environments. It might not be able to deliver the best IO performance possible.

If you need help, feel free to chat with us using the chat bottom on the bottom right corner, or send us an email at .

If you still find these steps too complicated to follow, you can buy a preinstalled HomeDrive device.